Geolocation of signers - Audit trail

At Mifiel we help you comply with financial regulations that require you to collect the geolocation of financial institutions' clients.

The signatures on Mifiel documents already have presumption of attribution and in case they are signed with an advanced electronic signature (e.firma), they enjoy a guarantee of non-repudiation. In addition, Mifiel documents have integrity guarantee since they include a NOM-151 record of data integrity.

But due to regulatory issues you may require more elements. One example is geolocation.

As of March 2021, various types of financial institutions including banks, SOFOMs, SOFIPOs, SOFOLs, SOCAPs, Credit Unions, investment advisors, brokerage firms, among others, are required to collect the geolocation of their customers when performing remote operations such as contracting products, transactions and others.

To help financial institutions comply with this regulation, we recently added audit trail functionality for your signed documents on the platform, which includes geolocation data of the signer in the XML of the signed document.


This feature is available for contracting. Contact us via chat to learn more about this feature.