How to decrypt and download documents signed in the private signing process

Whether you’re a signer of an encrypted document or its manager, the process is different

Once all parties have signed, you will be able to view and download the document in PDF and XML version (as well as the original unsigned document). If you are the document manager, you will be able to download the decrypted document from If you are one of its signers, the process is different. Next we will see each option.

  1. How to download and decrypt an encrypted document if you are a signer
  2. How to download a decrypted document if you are its manager

How to download and decrypt an encrypted document if you are a signer

To decrypt the document you signed, you must have at hand the e.firma you used to sign it (.cer and .key files) and its password. This means that if you revoked or renewed your e.firma and got a new one, but you signed the document using your old e.firma, you will need your old e.firma to decrypt it.

When everyone involved has finished signing the document, you will receive an email stating so. In the email, you will find a green button with the legend "Proceed to decrypt", click on it.

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Alternatively, if you have a Mifiel account, you can go to the "My Documents" section, find the document you need in the table and click on the button "Download".

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A Mifiel page will open for you to decrypt and download the signed document. Select the .key file of the e.firma you signed the document with, enter the e.firma’s password and click on "Decrypt document".

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If the password is correct, a screen will open indicating that you can download the decrypted PDF and XML. Do this by pressing the button "Download XML and PDF". This will download both decrypted files.

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Mifiel is requiring me to select the encrypted XML, where do I find it and how do I perform the decryption and download process?

In the email you received indicating that the document was signed by all, you will find attached the encrypted XML. Download it.

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On the Mifiel page where you are requested for the XML to decrypt, select the encrypted XML file.

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Select the .cer file and the .key file of the e.firma you signed the document with. Finally enter the e.firma’s password and click on "Decrypt document".

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If the password is correct, a screen will open indicating that you can download the decrypted PDF and XML. Do this by pressing the button "Download XML and PDF". This will download both decrypted files.

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How to download a decrypted document if you are its manager

To download the document, it is necessary that you have at hand the security key that you have previously set up.

Go to "My Documents" and click on "Download". Select the version you want.

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You can also archive the document within your account. It will not be visible in the "My Documents" section, but you can always search for it by the document name or enable the option "Only show archived documents".

We recommend downloading both versions of the signed document (PDF and XML). The PDF is a visual representation of the XML file and has no legal value. The XML contains the necessary information to prove the authenticity of the signatures. In case of a trial, this file is the one that supports its probative value.

Another option is to select "See details" from the drop-down menu by pressing the arrow pointing down, where you will also see the options to archive or download the corresponding files.

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In any option you choose, the system will require you to enter your personal security code to download the file.

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If the code is correct, when you click on "Confirm", the download will start. The files will go to your "Downloads" folder or the one you have selected by default.

This password will be stored in your browser for a few minutes, so you will not have to enter it again if you download several documents in that session.