Registration of certificates for the private signing process

FAQ20 - SubirCertificado

Mifiel uses the certificate of each of the signers to encrypt the document in the private signing process. If any of the parties does not have an e.firma, or it is revoked or expired, you will not be able to add them as a signer.

Before inviting signers to sign encrypted documents, it will be necessary to register their certificates (.cer files). Ask your signers to share their certificates, which are public, or download them from the SAT web page by entering the RFC of each one.

Once you have the signers' .cer files, the registration process is as follows:

  1. Enter (you do not need to log in to your Mifiel account).
  2. Drag and drop or select the .cer file you want to upload. You can only upload one at a time.
  3. You're done! If you need to upload another certificate, click "Upload another certificate" and repeat the steps as many times as you need.