What are the main differences between the sandbox environment and the production environment?

In Mifiel, our sandbox environment is almost identical to the production environment. However, both are independent of each other. Learn about the main differences between the two

Access credentials

Both the credentials to access your account (email and password) and the API access tokens you generate are not interchangeable between both environments.


When you prepare a document in either environment, it will not be reflected in the opposite environment. Likewise, when a document is finished being signed in one of the environments, it will not be reflected in the account of the opposite environment, and only documents signed in the production environment have full legal validity.

e.firma certificates

In sandbox environment you can sign using two types of certificates (together with their respective private key): the test certificates that you generate in https://pki-sandbox.mifiel.com/ and the advanced electronic signature certificates issued by the SAT. But in production environment the ones issued by the SAT are the only ones admitted at the moment of signing.

Every .cer file you use when signing a document will be preloaded in the account you used, but it will be exclusive for that environment. For example, if you enter your sandbox account and sign with a .cer file issued by the SAT, it will not be saved in your production account (even if you use the same email to register).

On the other hand, if you load certificates for the private signing process in one environment, they will not be preloaded in the other environment.

Assignment of functionalities

When you test in the sandbox environment, we assign functionalities to your account as you require them. These can be:

  • Customization of the flow and signature sheet with your branding (logo and colors)
  • Organizational account
  • Document templates
  • Reviewers
  • Automated sequences
  • Private signing process
  • RFC restriction
  • Signing deadline
  • Among others

At the moment of moving to production, only the functionalities that you or your organization have contracted will be active. Therefore, it is likely that in production environment you will not have access to all the features you had in sandbox.

Any questions? Contact your sales consultant or project manager as appropriate. You can also chat with us by pressing the green button at the bottom right of your screen, or through your Slack integration channel.