How to upload a document to Mifiel and request signatures (create a document)

  1. On your computer, prepare the document you will send for signing. Save it as a PDF file or convert it to PDF format.
  2. Log in to your Mifiel account or register as a new user.
  3. Upload the PDF document using the file browser or by dragging and dropping it onto the screen.
  4. The document configuration screen will be displayed. If you notice any errors in the content of the document, cancel the process and start over by selecting the correct PDF. Otherwise, you can continue.
  5. If you are one of the signers, be sure to check the “ Are you going to sign this document?” option so that it turns green, you will automatically be added as a signer. Click “Continue”.
  6. The document preparation screen will load. If you need to review the document again, click on the “Document” tab at the top. At any time you can return to the “Preparation” tab and the information you have entered will remain there.
  7. Each document must have at least one signer. On the left side add the people you require to sign the document with the “Add signer” button, indicating their email address and full name, which are required. If you have contracted the RFC restriction advanced feature, you will be able to indicate their RFC through the option “RFC Restriction”. In this way you will ensure that only the indicated persons sign, or that the correct person does not sign with a wrong e.firma (of an individual instead of a legal entity, for example). There is no limit to the number of signers.
  8. If required, add viewers. This function is useful to update other people who do not sign the document but need to know who has signed and receive a copy of the signed document, such as account executives, control desk, the legal area... Add them with the “Add viewer” button and indicate their email address. As the creator of the document you are already a viewer, there is no need to add yourself as one.
  9. In the right column of your screen you will find three options to configure the document depending on your contracted functionalities:
    1. Expiration date: if the document has not finished signing by the date you determine, it will be automatically deleted. Those who have not signed will no longer be able to do so.
    2. Reminders: by default we send signing reminders every three days to avoid you from sending them manually. You can change the frequency, with the options of every day or every week, or not send any reminders at all.
    3. Message for signers: allows you to give more context or instructions to your signers. You have up to 500 characters available for this.
  10. Once configured, press the “Request signatures” button. If you are one of the signers, you will have the opportunity to sign the document now, but if you prefer, you can leave it for another time and do it from the “My documents” section in or in the mobile app with your e.firma linked. If for some reason you need to start the process again due to an error in the document, press the “Cancel” button.
  11. That's it! You have successfully created and signed a document in Mifiel.

If your signers have doubts about using the platform to sign documents, you can share with them our step-by-step guide on how to sign.