How to sign without an e.firma in Mifiel using identity verification with biometrics

Follow these steps to sign a document in Mifiel if you don't have an e.firma

For those who do not have a valid and current e.firma to sign documents in Mifiel, we have an electronic signature functionality with ID verification available. If you need to use it, you don’t need to have previously signed in Mifiel with an e.firma. The person who invited you to sign must have the functionality enabled in their account and have selected the option for you to sign with it. You will know this if, upon entering to sign the document, the platform asks whether you have an e.firma or not.

In this article you will learn what you need to sign a document in Mifiel without an e.firma and a step-by-step guide on how to perform the signature process with identity verification.


Note: If you have the SAT e.firma, you should always use it when signing on the platform. The signature with identity verification is designed for users without a valid and current e.firma.



  1. What you need before signing without an e.firma
  2. How to perform the signing process without an e.firma

What you need before signing without an e.firma


The signing process in Mifiel without an e.firma requires verifying your identity as the signer by taking a photo of your face and comparing it to an official ID. Therefore, to complete the process, you need:

  1. The option to sign without an e.firma. When you enter to sign the document, after reviewing it, the platform will ask if you have an e.firma. If you don't see this question, the person who requested your signature does not have this functionality enabled in their Mifiel account, or you have already signed in Mifiel with an e.firma.
  2. A valid government ID or passport. It must be in good physical condition. Photocopies or scans on a screen will not work.
  3. A smartphone to perform the identity verification and signature process. Using a smartphone will yield better results. Alternatively, you can do it from a computer or tablet with an integrated high-resolution camera.
  4. A well-lit room. The lighting should be sufficient to illuminate your face and ID without causing glare or reflections.. It is also advisable to have a table or surface to place the ID on to facilitate taking photos of it.
  5. Ensure your face and eyes are clear. Remove any objects that obstruct them, such as glasses, hats, hair, etc.

How to perform the signing process without an e.signature


  1. Go to your email and find the message requesting your signature. We recommend doing this from your smartphone to ease the process and obtain better results.
  2. Press the button "Click here to sign".
    Were you invited to sign and created a Mifiel account but you don't see the document? Check this article.
  3. A Mifiel page will open, showing the document to be signed. Review the document and if everything is in order, click the green button that says "Continue to sign" or press the "Sign" banner in the upper left corner.
  4. You will see a screen asking if you have a valid e.firma. Click on the option "I don't have a valid e.firma".
    If you are doing the process from your smartphone, press the button "Verify my identity" and skip to step 6.
    If you have a valid e.firma, it is recommended that you sign with it. To do so, click on the option "I want to use my e.firma to sign". On the screen that will open, press the button "Yes, I have a valid e.firma" and continue the process with your e.firma.
  5. From your smartphone, scan the QR code that will appear on your browser screen. Alternatively, you can enter your 10-digit Mexican cell phone number without spaces or separators like dashes, press the "Send link" button, and open the link you receive by text message on your smartphone.
    If you prefer to do the process on your computer, click on the link "you can continue the verification process here".
  6. You will see a screen asking if you have a Mexican official ID or if it is not from Mexico. Select the type of ID you have.
  7. Before starting the biometric verification signing process, you will see some recommendations to ensure it is done correctly. Carefully review each of these recommendations. When ready, press the "Start verification" button.
  8. We will ask the browser for permission to use your camera. Accept them. If you are using Firefox, select the checkbox "Remember this decision" before accepting the permissions.
  9. We will ask you to take photos of your face; do so according to the instructions shown on the screen. These photos serve to prove you are a real person and are never shared with third parties, only used for signing.
  10. Next, we will ask you to take photos of your government ID or passport. Do so according to the instructions shown on the screen. These photos allow us to obtain your data to stamp them when signing, as well as compare the ID photo with your face photo, and are not shared with third parties.
  11. Verify that your name, address, CURP, and/or passport number are correct. Correct them if necessary. Once you finish verifying and correcting, press the button "Everything is correct".
  12. Review again that your name is correct. If there is any error, do not sign. Click on the option "Correct",  and modify what is necessary. If everything is correct, save the changes and press the "Sign document" button.
  13. You will now have to verify one last time that your name is spelled correctly. If there is an error, press "No, go back to edit". If it is correct, press "Yes, proceed to sign". Remember, your signature is irreversible.
  14. If you are the only or the last signer, you will be able to download the signed document in XML and PDF. Otherwise, you will receive it once the last person has signed.
    If you have an account on, you can also download them from the document table by selecting the "Download" option and then clicking on "Download PDF and XML" or "Download PDF" or "Download XML" according to the file you need.

If you have any questions, contact us via chat by pressing the green button in the bottom-right corner of this page.