Prevent a signer from using the simple electronic signature in Mifiel with the signing method restriction
When the option to sign using biometric verification is enabled in your Mifiel account, the signer of any document you prepare can choose to sign using that option or with the e.firma. But sometimes you may need to prevent specific signers from choosing between signing methods. For those situations, the signing method restriction is available.
Restricting the signing method to only the e.firma is useful when, for example, one of your signers is not an individual but a legal entity and you need them to use the e.firma of that legal entity (used together with the RFC restriction). Also when you know that your signer has an e.firma and given the nature of the document and its likelihood of ending up being presented in court sometime in the future, you prefer to be backed up by the non-repudiation guarantee of the advanced (qualified) electronic signature.
How to use the signing method restriction
Next time you prepare a document, each time you add a signer you will be able to restrict the signing method you need them to use: only the e.firma, or any signing method. Currently it is not possible to restrict the signing method to the signature with biometric verification, but we will add the option sometime in the future.
The signing method restriction is available at no extra cost.