How to sign documents in Mifiel without an account using the signing portal

The signing portal concentrates all the documents you have pending to sign without the need to create a user and password in Mifiel

Someone invited you to sign a document in Mifiel but you don't have an account on the platform? Don't worry. Our signing portal is at your disposal.

How can I access the signing portal?

There are two ways to access the signing portal:

  1. By clicking on the "Sign pending documents" button included in your invitation emails to sign documents.
  2. By clicking here, you will be able to request a link to your signing portal that will be sent to your email.

If more than 72 hours have passed since you received the portal link, you will be redirected to a page where you can request a new one.

What do I see in the signing portal?

When you log in to the signing portal, you will see a page with all the documents pending signature that have been sent to your email.

On this page you will find a table, which shows the following details for each document:

You will also see a button to sign all your documents. Pressing it will open the flow for signing multiple documents in one session.

Note: the multiple document signing functionality in a single session requires you to use your e.firma. If you prefer to sign using biometric identity verification, you will have to do it document by document by pressing the "Sign" button.

If you share access to your email with other people and they also receive invitations to sign in the same email, they will also be able to access the signing portal.

For easy identification in the portal, documents are grouped using tables showing the documents assigned to each signer with the same email, along with a button to sign all of that signer's documents in a single session.

How do I sign documents in the signature portal?

Sign each document with your e.firma or by biometric verification

By clicking the "Sign" button next to any document, you will be able to review its contents. Once you have reviewed it, you will be ready to sign it, in this article we explain how to do it:

How to sign a document in Mifiel using your e.firma or by biometric verification

How do I sign all my documents in a single signing session using my e.firma?

To speed up the signing of all your documents, you have the feature to sign multiple documents in one session. By logging in you will be able to review each of your documents and sign them without having to select your e.firma or enter your password each time.

You will only have to do this for the first document, and for the rest you will only have to review their content and confirm your signature by pressing the "Sign" button on each one.

If there is a problem that prevents you from signing some of your documents, you will be able to skip them to sign them later and continue signing the rest of your pending documents.

At the end of the process, you will be able to return to the main screen of the portal where the documents you have left pending signature will be displayed.