Features included and available for purchase

When you purchase a packet of documents, you get access to the main functionalities at no additional cost. If you require specialized solutions, you can purchase them separately. Below you will find all the available functionalities.

If you already have a plan that gives you access to multiple features, it remains the same and you will be able to renew it in your next billing cycle. You can opt for the new individual feature purchase model if you prefer. Click here to see the active features in your account. To contract more features, please contact us through the chat at the bottom right of the screen.


  1. Functionalities included at no additional cost
  2. Specialized solutions available for contracting
  3. Free additional functionalities

Features included at no additional cost

  • Flexibility to choose advanced electronic signature or simple electronic signature: if your signers have a SAT e.firma, they will be able to sign your documents with it, which will give the signatures a guarantee of non-repudiation in court. If any of your signers doesn't have an e.firma, they will be able to sign the documents you request by verifying their identity through photos of their face and identification. Choose the one that best suits your use case.
    For your signers to be able to use the simple electronic signature, you must acquire biometric verification credits.
  • Record of data integrity (NOM-151): all documents signed on the platform include one. This way your documents will comply with Article 49 of the Commercial Code, and will have presumption of integrity in lawsuits. They will also have a fecha cierta, a requirement of the tax authority (SAT) to prove the existence of operations and of the judicial authority to ensure the presumption of good faith and avoid extinguishment of domain in property leasing.
  • Mobile App for signing: sign from wherever you are without having to enter your FIEL/e.firma files or password. Available for iOS and Android.
  • Automated and manual reminders to signers: every three days we will automatically send signing reminders to the parties who have not yet signed the document; you can modify this frequency to be every day or every week. If required, you can manually send a reminder at any time.
  • Restrict signers by RFC: make sure that the signer who signs is really the one you need to by adding the signer's RFC as a lock. If the RFC in the e.firma does not match the RFC you defined, they will not be able to sign.
    Only available when signing with advanced electronic signature.
  • Sign multiple documents at the same time: allows your signers to sign several documents at the same time by entering their e.firma and password only once, simplifying the signing process.
  • Document signing rejection process: sometimes a situation may prevent users from signing a document, for example, if the person who requested the signature has entered incorrect data in the document to be signed or if the signer does not have a valid e.firma. In such cases, the signer can notify the requester that they cannot sign and the reason for this.
  • Unlimited signers: your signers can have as many signers as you require, without restrictions and at no additional cost per signer.
    As long as they sign with advanced electronic signature. If they use the simple electronic signature, biometric verification credits will be consumed.
  • Viewers: add participants who can monitor the progress of the document and receive a copy of the signed document without them being signers.
  • Tags to manage your documents: organize your documents efficiently, grouping them by topics or categories of your choice for quick access and filtering.
  • Document verifier for court cases: Mifiel's Verifier verifies the authenticity of electronic signatures and detects any alteration in the document after it is signed. It is equivalent to a cryptographic expert verifying the integrity of the document and its signatures, so it can be useful in trials where the document is presented as evidence.

Specialized solutions available for contracting

    • Signing widget: integrate the signing flow to your website to give your users a faster and easier experience without leaving your site.
    • Automated document preparation: connect your system or any system you use to generate your documents (e.g. ERP, CRM, etc.) to Mifiel through our API.
    • Support during API integration: we accompany you through a Slack channel to solve all your doubts and possible problems.
  • Multi-user organizational account: allows different members of your team to manage documents from a single shared space, assigning different roles with different levels of permissions.
  • Endorsable documents: promissory notes, deeds of credit and other endorsable documents that comply with the Ley General de Títulos y Operaciones de Crédito, ensuring the uniqueness of the document and the verifiable existence of an uninterrupted chain of endorsements.
  • Automated sequences: defines workflows specifying the order in which the parties involved must sign or approve the document.
  • Customization with your branding (white label): emails, signature flow and signature sheet will have your corporate logo and colors, keeping the look and feel of your brand. No coding or integrations required.
  • Encrypted document vault: the highest standard of data protection trusted by banks and corporations. Using cryptographic encryption, no one but you and your signers, not even Mifiel, has access to your content.
  • Approvals in the signing flow: collect approvals from relevant areas in your organization and external stakeholders, avoiding repeating the entire signing process if there is any disagreement about the content of the document.
  • Set a deadline for signing documents: encourage your signers to sign your documents on time by setting a deadline.
  • Templates to generate documents automatically (via API): eliminates the need to upload documents of the same type individually. Send us the base document and indicate the fields you need to change for each signer.
  • Integration with more than 3 thousand applications without programming: automate the creation of documents in Mifiel from other applications such as HubSpot, SugarCRM, Google Forms and many more, through Zapier.
  • Geolocation of signers: in compliance with financial regulations, we can obtain the geolocation of your signers and include it in the signed document.
  • Single sign-on (SSO): your employees will be able to access Mifiel through an identity provider with credentials they already know and use to access other services.
  • Customized Service Level Agreements (SLA): we commit to solve your problem within a given period of time with specialized agents for each situation.

Free additional functionalities

  • Message for signers: include a message if you need to contextualize the signers regarding the document or give them instructions.
  • Support chat: we solve your problems on the spot, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. To access the chat, just press the green button in the lower right corner of the page.